Easy English

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An immersive language programme for EAL learners who have little or no experience of English

Improves educational outcomes for EAL students
Outcome linked activities with solutions in the back of the books
Clear presentation
Engaging illustrations
Suitable for all ages
Motivates students to work with care and confidence

Book 1: Easy Words: Introduces basic vocabulary through clear and precise illustrations and prompts the students to use and remember the vocabulary through carefully designed student activities.

Book 2: Easy Read and Write: Six illustrated short stories, clearly and simply written, to help students develop some basic comprehension skills,dealing with characters spending time in situations in which the students are likely to find themselves. Carefully designed student activities encourage careful reading and understanding of the texts. 

Book 3: More Easy Read and Write: Five more  engaging short stories to develop basic comprehension skills, dealing with characters participating in school events, visiting family, making new friends and going on a school excursion themselves. 

Book 4: Easy Punctuation: Introduces students to capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, speech marks and apostrophes. The book models how to punctuate correctly and inspires students to take care with punctuation. This volume also encourages students to become familiar with the alphabet and helps them to understand how words are formed from vowels and consonants. 

Book 5: Easy Grammar: Introduces everyday grammar, such as articles, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, determiners and connectors. The book provides students with clear and uncomplicated definitions of each grammatical term and models how each one is used in basic written texts. 

Book 6: Easy Text Types: Introduces the idea that not all texts are the same. The students are encouraged to read and become familiar with the features of narratives, recounts, procedures and information reports; and are motivated to write and edit their own text types with enthusiasm and confidence. Some activities are created to help students revise the grammar and punctuation that they have learned in Books 4 and 5.

Book 7: More Easy Text Types: Continues to develop the idea that there are different types of texts. In the same style as Book 6, this covers explanation, descriptions, expositions, discussions and poems.

Book 8: Easy Editing and Proofreading: Inspires students to practise careful reading and writing by highlighting the importance of drafting, editing and proofreading written work. Students are asked to identify a number of errors in short sentences and in longer texts and are encouraged to re-write the texts correctly. The longer texts help students to remember the ten text types and their specific features that they met in books 6 and 7.

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