How to Write Like a Writer

From £16.99

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Parents Description (from a home educating parent)

For slightly older children,  encouragement and structured activities to build a style of writing which they can feel confident is worth reading.  

Teachers Description

Writing skills for reluctant writers including Narrative, Description and Dialogue.  

Most children who don't like writing feel that way because they find the activity boring, and the reason they find it boring is because they perceive that their work is boring to read - which just serves to reinforce their sense of inadequacy with the written word. Consequently their writing skills remain undeveloped.

This book starts with the most basic principles of sentence structure and attempts to demonstrate that effective writing can only be achieved by using the right raw material (the details that make up any subject matter) and the right tools (use of correct punctuation and an understanding of grammar). The twin premise of this book is that teaching punctuation and grammar without firing the imagination is dull; while to try and fire the imagination without enabling children at the same time to structure what they have created is likely to end in failure.

Working with the three concepts of Narrative, Description and Dialogue, "How to Write Like a Writer" enables students to create content and put it together accurately at one and the same time, and in doing so instils in them a sense of audience and a pride in their work that is necessary for success.

This is a multisensory resource including games and oral activities and full of engaging visual prompts, some of which can also be used as punctuation posters, "How to Write Like a Writer" provides reluctant writers - and willing ones - with a refreshing alternative that will give them the keys to producing work that has the hallmarks of being written "by a writer".

It is suitable for secondary and older primary students.

Contains: 122 pp, photocopiable, supplied with CD for printing pages as required.



The paper used to create this book has been purchased through the Carbon Capture Programme and has helped to contribute to over 53,000 trees being planted throughout the UK.

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