Wheat in the Winepress

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How the Story of Gideon Can Help Us Fight the Good Fight Today. An in-depth study of Judges 7-8. (pp 345.)

"An inspiring read about victory, practical spirituality, and the life of faith, Wheat in the Winepress will invigorate your faith, stir your hope and bring wisdom to your life. I love bob's easy-reading style, that takes spiritual realities and powerful mysteries and makes them understandable to the every-day reader. Be ready to be transformed as you read!"
Jarrod Cooper, Senior Leader, Revive Church, Hull, England.

"Using vivid illustrations out of his own experiences from decades of following Jesus, Bob makes the Biblical story of Gideon come alive for today."
Jeremy Simkins, leader of Christ Central churches (part of New Frontiers).

"Bob Has captured the atmosphere of the life of Gideon. It is as though he has climbed into the man's heart and mind and pulled out descriptions, discoveries and revelations that are so relevant to our lives today. I would highly recommend this volume."
Andrew Baker, founder, Make Way Ministries.

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